Thursday, September 19, 2013

One Day

One Day
One more day: Brandan and Joachim are knocking on the door, be ready to answer and let them in. In the meantime check out Aoife Marie Sheridan blog where I am featured today.

Also check out my author page and the trailer:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Count them 7 Days

7 Count them 7 Days

Seven Days: I can't believe it's only 7 days until the release of Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two. That means only 7 days to read Palace of Twelve Pillars and be ready if you ever can be truly ready for what is going to happen in Three Crosses.
For a little taste of Three Crosses Margaret Fieland is hosting me on her blog today. Here is the link:
Hop on over and check it out.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Palace of the Three Crosses

 Drumroll please. Here it is the trailer for the Palace of the Three Crosses. Also go over and check out for the cover reveal.