Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't be discouraged

Hi Myrria here. I've been watching Chris become discouraged and depressed so I thought maybe I needed to step in  and talk a little.

The story we are working on talks a lot about God and encourages kids to follow Him, to be persistant in their faith and they are loved. Adults need to hear the same message and then share it with their children.
I borrowed and posted Chris's devotion from Angels Muse. Because I think it is a good message and something she needs to hear today.

I repeatedly tell Darby and Emmie along with my own offspring like Roethlys that God is always there and He loves them. All they need to do is remain strong in their faith and share it with others. Darby and her friends face many challenges in the book and because they are kids they struggle with decisions of faith, tolerance and forgiveness. Only with God can they overcome these obstacles and find the peace that so many of us strive for.

I love working with the kids, their issues are so much easier than that of adults. They still retain that innocence that is so often replaced by cynicism as we become adults. They see things that adults can't or won't, like dragons, and they willingly accept and almost crave the love that God gives them. Granted they can also be led down the wrong path for that same reason, but they are more open to the reasons not to follow that path. They are more trusting. If only us adults could be so trusting and open to God.

Anyway read Chris's post, embrace the message and become more like children, less prone to worry and more open to trust and love.

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